Common Senses Perfumes (Wild & Summit) now available for purchase at Bowerbird (3 Embarcadero Plaza, San Francisco)

Empowerment through Scent

With each unique scent, you will feel the transformative power of fragrance, igniting your inner creativity and empowering you to embrace your sensuality and individuality.

1:1 Custom Scent

Work with me

60-minute custom scent sessions crafted uniquely for you. Choose to embody your future self or create a signature scent. We believe that scent is a powerful catalyst that can help us step into the lead character of your life with unwavering confidence, much like an actor on a stage uses scent to embody the essence of their character. Our fragrances have the ability to evoke specific moods, memories, and emotions, allowing you to immerse yourself in any role you desire.

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Scent Workshops

Book a workshop or experience for your next event. Have you ever wanted to play with scent and learn to make your own perfume using natural ingredients? Contact for a memorable experience that will enhance your senses for your next party, event or just because you want to have fun and play with scent.

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White Label Custom Scent Package

For business clients - book a free 15-minute intro call to discuss your next perfume, pop-up, custom scent for your space, or experience using all-natural ingredients.

Welcome to the world of custom fragrances meticulously crafted from handpicked, natural ingredients in San Francisco, CA. Our scents are a testament to the beauty of botanicals, each bottle holding a unique olfactory story waiting to be discovered

Immerse yourself in a sensory journey as you create custom scents and explore the power of scent at our workshops and events.